Home - Residents
General Information for Residents
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Our resident and visitor resources can assist you with various tasks and provide easy access to important information that can help you conveniently pay bills and request services.
Visit the resources directory to find exactly what you need
The City of Coatesville is a multicultural community with over eight parks totaling over thirty acres of open space. Coatesville is filled with a mix of vibrant and unique retail shops, restaurants, general services, barbers, and wellness shops. Visit the resources directory to help find contacts for resources in the region.
Pay Bills & Taxes
Make bill payment and tax filing hassle-free with our convenient online platform. Easily pay your bills and file your taxes securely in just a few clicks, saving time and ensuring prompt and accurate transactions.
Get access to resident services
Quickly pay for resident services and utilities from the comfort of your own home. The online portal gives you access to the City’s convenient online payment system.
Tips 411
Anonymously Report Criminal Activity
Leave an anonymous tip for Coatesville Police. Your information will be confidential, allowing you to contribute to community safety without revealing your identity. The city also has an app can be downloaded on both Apple and Android devices for your convenience.
Trash and Recycling
View the schedule for trash and recycling
The trash and recycling schedule is available in both English and Spanish, ensuring accessibility for all residents. Additionally, if you need to schedule a special trash pickup, our Public Works Department is here to assist you. Fees and charges may apply for these services.