Join our Authorities, Boards, Commissions and Committees

The City of Coatesville invites you to participate in an opportunity to actively shape the future of our community. Your unique skills and perspectives can contribute to critical decisions on local policies, services, and development. Whether you have expertise in urban planning, environmental issues, public safety, or simply a passion for community engagement, your voice matters. Be part of the positive change that makes Coatesville an even better place to live, work, and thrive.


Ready to make a difference? Join us by signing up for our Authorities, Boards, Commissions, and Committees interest form today! Your involvement is key to building a stronger and more vibrant Coatesville.


The only operating authority in the City of Coatesville is the Redevelopment Authority. No member or employee of the Authority shall have any direct or indirect interest in redevelopment projects or properties included in redevelopment areas. Additionally, they must not have any interest in contracts related to redevelopment projects. Failure to disclose such interests in writing will be considered misconduct in office.

Redevelopment Authority

The Coatesville Redevelopment Authority is dedicated to making Coatesville better by improving neighborhoods and boosting local businesses. While ensuring that Coatesville remains a lively and vibrant city, the Redevelopment Authority focuses on promoting economic growth for commercial, industrial, and residential redevelopment. It’s mission is to eliminate blight and create a more prosperous future for Coatesville. Join us on this exciting journey as we work together to build a better and brighter Coatesville!

Redevelopment Authority Members

Name Office Term
Joe DiSciullo Chairman 2024-2028
Ricky Campbell Member 2023-2027
Joseph Kandler Treasurer 2022-2026
Tyrone Harley Secretary 2020-2024
Jack Burkholder Vice Chairman 2021-2025

Redevelopment Staff Members

Name Role
Ruthann Mowday Administrative Assistant


The City Council has established several advisory Boards, providing invaluable guidance on a diverse range of matters. These Boards, appointed or reappointed by the City Council annually, serve specific terms of office. Below, we provide overviews of the requirements for the various Boards currently serving the City of Coatesville. Their expertise and dedication play a vital role in shaping our city’s progress and development.

Board of Housing Appeals

The Board of Housing Appeals, consisting of three members appointed by a City Council majority vote, serves essential functions in ensuring reasonable interpretation and implementation of the housing code. These appointed members, each serving three-year terms, bring valuable expertise to address housing-related issues within Coatesville.

While the board’s primary role is to provide fair interpretations of the housing code, it also possesses the authority to grant variances and extensions of time in situations where strict code enforcement would lead to undue hardship. Such decisions enable the board to consider specific circumstances and promote flexibility in addressing housing challenges effectively.

All members of the Board of Housing Appeals must be residents of the City of Coatesville, ensuring that their decisions align with the needs and perspectives of the local community. (Reference: Chapter 136 of the City Code)

Name Term
Jonathan Kasitz 2023-2026
Donald Folks 2023-2026
Vacant 2022-2025

Board of Use Registration Appeals

The Board of Use Registration Appeals is a three-person board appointed by City Council through a majority vote, serving three-year terms. Its main purpose is to hear appeals from decisions made by the appropriate municipal official regarding property approvals or designations for nonconforming uses within the City of Coatesville. The board’s primary function is to determine the legality of existing nonconforming uses; it does not have the authority to establish new nonconforming uses, grant variances or exceptions, or authorize changes in use. All board members are residents of the City of Coatesville. [Chapter 214 of city code]

Name Term
Vacant 2021-2023
Vacant 2019-2021
Vacant 2020-2022

Solid Waste Review Board

The Solid Waste Review Board is a three-person board appointed by City Council through a majority vote, serving three-year terms. The board’s core responsibility is to review requests related to solid waste management from multifamily residential or commercial properties that may not meet standard requirements due to parcel being lot line to lot line. After conducting thorough reviews, the board presents its findings and recommendations to City Council for final approval. All board members are residents of the City of Coatesville. [Chapter 190-16 of city code]

Name Term
Vacant 2021-2023
Vacant 2022-2024
Vacant 2020-2022

Uniform Construction Code (UCC) Appeals Board

The Uniform Construction Code Appeals Board is a five-person board appointed by City Council through a majority vote, serving five-year terms. Additionally, two alternates may be appointed by City Council to hear appeals in case of a member’s absence or disqualification. If qualified candidates cannot be found within the City limits, City Council may select someone from outside the City to serve on the board.

The primary purpose of this Board is to provide a fair and efficient process for resolving Code grievances arising from the decisions of the City’s Building Code Officials. Its objective is to ensure the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of Coatesville. Members of the Board must have the qualifications specified by Act 45 of 1999, including training and experience in building construction, licensure as an architect or engineer, a minimum of ten years of experience in the construction industry, or expertise as an inspection or plan reviewer.

It is important to note that a member of the Appeals Board must not hear an appeal in which they have any personal, professional, or financial interest, ensuring impartiality and objectivity in the decision-making process. [Chapter 212-4 of city code]

Name Term
Joseph Hamrick 2015-2019
Chris Macolini 2016-2020
Donald Folks 2017-2021
Jack Burkholder 2018-2022
John Guerrera 2019-2023
Vacant (alternate) 2017-2021
Vacant (alternate) 2016-2020

Zoning Hearing Board

The Zoning Hearing Board is a three-person board appointed by City Council through a majority vote, serving three-year terms. Additionally, up to three alternates may be appointed by City Council through a majority vote. All members and alternates must be residents within the city limits of Coatesville and may not hold any other office in the City.

The Board’s primary responsibilities include hearing and deciding appeals related to alleged failures in following prescribed procedures or misinterpretations or misapplications of valid ordinances, maps, or regulations by the Zoning Officer. Additionally, the Board has the authority to grant conditional exceptions/variances to existing zoning within the legal framework.

To ensure transparency and accountability, the Board maintains comprehensive public records of its activities and submits an annual report to City Council. We encourage your active participation in our Zoning Hearing Board, as your insights and expertise play a crucial role in shaping Coatesville’s zoning and development. [Chapter 224-82 of city code]

Name Term
Joseph Hamrick 2022-2024
Charles Thoman 2024-2026
Spartacus Lewis 2020-2022
Vacant (alternate) 2022-2024
Vacant (alternate) 2021-2023
Vacant (alternate) 2020-2022
Solicitor: TBD N/A


The City Council has established several Commissions, each playing a critical advisory role on diverse matters. Appointed or reappointed by the City Council, typically in January, the members of these Commissions serve specific terms of office. Their expertise and dedication are instrumental in providing valuable insights to City Council, contributing to effective governance and community development in Coatesville.

Below are brief overviews of the requirements for the various Commissions currently serving the City of Coatesville. We value the contributions of our Commission members, whose commitment and knowledge help shape the city’s progress and enhance the overall well-being of our community. Join us in making a positive impact in Coatesville through the active involvement in our Commissions.

Civil Service Commission

The Civil Service Commission in the City of Coatesville consists of three members appointed by the City Council for four-year terms. These members must be residents of the city. The commission plays a crucial role as the civil service board for the paid employees of the Coatesville Police Department and the Coatesville Fire Department who are subject to civil service regulations.

The primary responsibilities of the commission include establishing rules and regulations for the examination process of civil service positions within the Police and Fire Departments. They also oversee the appointment and promotion procedures for these departments. You can find more detailed information regarding the commission’s authority and functions in Chapter 115-20 of the city code.

Name Term
Jose Rios 2021-2024
Michael Zuratt 2022-2025
Donald Folks 2023-2026

Fire Fighters’ Pension Fund Commission

The Firemen’s Relief and Pension Commission in the City of Coatesville consists of seven members who hold positions within the government, administration, or Fire Department of the city. The commission includes one seat with a two-year term held by a resident of Coatesville, appointed by a majority vote of the City Council.

The commission is entrusted with important responsibilities, including maintaining accurate records of all transactions, establishing rules for conducting business and managing funds, selecting a reputable banking or investment institution to handle the Fire Fighters’ Pension Fund investment account, and ensuring compliance with the City Charter’s provisions and regulations. Regular meetings are held by the commission, at least quarterly.

Additionally, the commission is required to submit an annual report to the City Council on the first Monday of January. This report includes details of all receipts and disbursements of the fund, along with other pertinent matters. For more specific information, please refer to Chapter 38-20 of the city code.

Name Title Term
Jim Lentz Fire Department Representative 2021-2024
Craig Weaver Fire Department Representative 2021-2024
Steve Dobson Fire Chief Indefinite
Jessica Arthur Troutman Finance Manager Indefinite
Linda Lavender-Norris Council President 2023
James Logan City Manager 2023
Robert Jefferson, Esq Solicitor N/A
Bill Shaw 2023-2024

Historical Commission

The Historical Commission is a seven-member board appointed by the City Council for three-year terms. Members must be U.S. citizens residing in Pennsylvania, with four residing within the city limits of Coatesville and three from the greater Coatesville area.

The commission’s main role is to promote community interest in the history of Coatesville. They acquire and maintain exhibits, publish bulletins and publications, and support commemorative, educational, and research programs. The commission also advises the City Council on historical matters. They have the power to review and recommend actions related to demolishing or altering landmark structures that could change their essential character. The commission reviews plans and proposals for designated landmarks’ reconstruction, alteration, restoration, demolition, and razing.

Monthly meetings are held, or as needed for specific matters. The commission keeps records of its proceedings and provides an annual report of its activities to the City Council. All meetings, records, and accounts of the commission are public. Further details can be found in Chapter 224-38 of the city code.

Name Term
Jay Byerly 2023-2025
Jeffrey Deacon 2022-2024
Paul Trizonis 2022-2024
John Ross 2022-2024
Vacant 2024-2026
Lisa Doan-Hartley 2023-2025
Vacant N/A

Non-Uniform Pension Commission

The Non-Uniform Pension Commission is a six-member board consisting of individuals appointed based on their positions within the government or administration of the City of Coatesville. One seat on the commission is held by a resident of Coatesville for a two-year term, determined by a majority vote of the City Council.

The primary responsibility of the commission is overseeing the Non-Uniform Pension Fund, similar to the Fire Fighters’ Pension Fund Commission. Their role involves managing and making decisions related to the pension fund in accordance with the provisions outlined in Chapter 38-18 of the city code.

Name Title Term
Jessica Arthur Finance Manager Indefinite
Leslie Denson Staff Member 2023
Julius Scott Public Works appointment Indefinite
Linda Lavender-Norris City Council President 2023
Bill Shaw 2023-2024
James Logan City Manager 2023
Robert Jefferson, Esq Solicitor N/A

Parks & Recreation Commission

The Parks and Recreation Commission is a seven-member board appointed by the City Council through majority vote, serving four-year terms. All members of the commission must be residents within the city limits of Coatesville. Working in collaboration with the Parks and Recreation Coordinator (appointed by the City Manager), the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, the City Manager (or their designee), and the City Council, the commission aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Define the objectives of public recreation services and develop plans that align with these objectives:
  • Advocate for the importance and necessity of recreation services to the general public.
  • Keep public officials informed about the progress and status of recreation services.
  • Collaborate with public officials in selecting the recreation and park executive and defining their duties and responsibilities.
  • Establish a sound fiscal plan to accomplish recreational goals.
  • Provide an adequate system of recreation areas and facilities.
  • Ensure stability and continuity in the overall operations.
  • Evaluate the services of the recreation system in relation to its objectives.

Funds allocated by the City Council and designated for the Parks and Recreation program are disbursed by the Council, the City Manager, or designated administrative staff based on vouchers issued by the Parks and Recreation Commission and within the approved budget. The commission is required to hold regular meetings, including two work sessions and at least one public meeting each quarter, following the guidelines of the Sunshine Act. The Parks and Recreation Coordinator submits monthly reports to the City Council, and a comprehensive report is presented annually, including proposed recreation programs for the upcoming year and plans for the creation, use, or modification of recreational areas and facilities. Major modifications or additions to these programs and plans within the year require prior approval from the City Council.

The responsibilities and operations of the Parks and Recreation Commission are outlined in Chapter 33 of the city code.

Name Term
Crystal Arnold 2021-2024
Ajene Livingston 2021-2024
Vacant 2021-2024
Vacant N/A
Vacant N/A
Vacant N/A
Vacant N/A

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission of the City of Coatesville is a five-person commission appointed by the City Council through majority vote, serving four-year terms. Two of the commission members may be officers or employees of the City, and all members must be residents within the city limits of Coatesville. The primary responsibilities of the commission include:

  • Reviewing subdivision and land development plans: The commission thoroughly examines proposed subdivision and land development plans and provides recommendations to the City Council regarding these plans. Their objective is to ensure that these plans align with the city’s development goals and regulations.
  • Assisting in planning responsibilities: The commission plays a key role in various planning responsibilities, which may include the development of redevelopment proposals in accordance with the Urban Redevelopment Law. They contribute to shaping the city’s future development and revitalization initiatives.

The Planning Commission holds regular meetings on Wednesdays, specifically on the same week as the first City Council monthly meeting. These meetings take place at 6:00 p.m. in the multi-purpose room located off the main lobby of City Hall. These meetings provide an opportunity for the commission to discuss matters related to planning and make informed decisions.

The responsibilities and operations of the Planning Commission are outlined in Chapter 41 of the city code.

Name Term
John Guerrera 2023-2026
Mark Kahler 2022-2025
Clarence Norris 2021-2024
Jay Byerly 2024-2027
Bill Shaw 2021-2024
Vacant N/A
Vacant N/A

Police Pension Commission

The Police Commission of the City of Coatesville consists of seven members who are appointed based on their positions within the government or administration of the city. One seat on the commission has a two-year term and is held by a resident of Coatesville, appointed through a majority vote of the City Council. The primary responsibility of the commission is overseeing the Police pension fund, similar to the Fire Fighters’ Pension Fund and Non-uniform Pension commissions.

The operations and authority of the Police Commission are defined in Chapter 38-3 of the city code.

Name Title Term
Jessica Arthur  Finance Manager Indefinite
John Laufer, III Chief of Police Indefinite
Brandon Harris Member of Police Department 2023
Martin Brice Retired Police Officer 2023
Linda Lavender-Norris Council President 2023
James Logan City Manager 2023
Robert Jefferson, Esq Solicitor N/A
Bill Shaw 2023-2024

Technology Commission

The Technology Board of the City of Coatesville consists of seven members who serve three-year terms. The composition of the board includes two members from City Council, one member from the professional staff appointed by the City Manager, and four residents of Coatesville appointed by a majority vote of City Council.

The main purpose of the Technology Board is to assist the city in identifying technological advancements that can benefit both the city and its citizens. The board conducts information reviews, investigations, and provides recommendations and reports related to this objective. It is important to note that while the reports and recommendations from the Technology Board are advisory, they are not binding upon the City Council.

The Technology Board holds regular meetings, including two work sessions and at least one public meeting each quarter, in compliance with the Sunshine Act. The authority and operations of the board are outlined in Chapter 58-1 of the city code.

Name Term
All positions for this board are currently vacant N/A


The Committees in the City of Coatesville play a vital role in advising the City Council on important matters. These committees, comprised of dedicated individuals appointed by the City Council, serve as a valuable resource for decision-making. With their diverse expertise and perspectives, committee members provide recommendations and insights that help shape policies and initiatives for the betterment of our community. Their dedication and commitment contribute to the effective governance of Coatesville. If you are interested in getting involved and making a difference, consider joining one of our committees. Together, we can work towards a brighter future for Coatesville.

The various committees established by City Council serve in an advisory capacity, covering a wide range of topics. Members are appointed or reappointed by the City Council annually, typically in January, for specific terms of office. These committees offer valuable opportunities for community members to actively participate in the decision-making process and contribute their expertise to the betterment of Coatesville. Join a committee today and help shape the future of our city.

Advisory Fire Committee

The Advisory Fire Committee plays a crucial role in promoting effective fire prevention, suppression, and management within the City of Coatesville. This seven-person committee, with the majority appointed by the Fire Chief and two seats appointed by City Council, serves as a vital link between the firehouses and the community. Acting in an advisory capacity, the committee provides valuable recommendations to City Council, City Administration, and the Fire Department to ensure the protection and welfare of citizens and volunteer firefighters.

With a focus on fire safety and the well-being of the Fire Department, the Advisory Fire Committee actively participates in the annual budget preparation. They review qualifications and make recommendations for the appointment of Deputy and Assistant Fire Chiefs. Furthermore, the committee acts as a liaison between the fire companies and the City, addressing any issues or concerns that may arise within the companies.

The Advisory Fire Committee also plays a significant role in handling grievances submitted by volunteers, reviewing and making final decisions. Their dedication to maintaining a harmonious and efficient fire service strengthens the overall effectiveness of the Fire Department.

By working closely with various stakeholders and utilizing their expertise, the Advisory Fire Committee contributes to the continuous improvement of fire services in Coatesville. Their commitment to community safety and welfare is an invaluable asset to our city.

Name Title
Steve Dobson Acting Deputy Fire Chief
Randy Scott West End Fire Company #3
Bob Law West End Fire Company #3
Ron Sigismonti Jr. Washington Hose Company #1
Mark Sweitzer Washington Hose Company #1
Vacant N/A
Vacant N/A

Vacant Property Review Committee

The Vacant Property Review Committee plays a crucial role in addressing the issue of vacant or blighted properties within the City of Coatesville. Comprised of five members serving four-year terms, the committee consists of individuals appointed based on their positions within the government or administration of the city. One seat on the committee is specifically designated for a resident of Coatesville, appointed solely by the City Council president.

The primary purpose of the Vacant Property Review Committee is to take authorized actions in accordance with the Urban Redevelopment Law. By collaborating closely with the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Coatesville, the committee aims to address the challenges posed by vacant or blighted properties. This includes evaluating and identifying properties in need of redevelopment or revitalization and recommending appropriate courses of action.

Through their efforts, the Vacant Property Review Committee strives to enhance the aesthetics, economic vitality, and overall livability of Coatesville. By facilitating the restoration and repurposing of vacant properties, the committee contributes to the revitalization and sustainable development of the city.

The committee’s dedication and proactive approach help ensure that vacant or blighted properties are effectively addressed, promoting a vibrant and thriving community for residents and businesses alike.